UOC Signs MoUs with Mallika Niwasa Samithiya and Colombo Friends in Need Society
University of Colombo signed two important MoUs with Mallika Nivasa Samithiya (Society) Ltd and Colombo Friends in Need Society on the 20th of February 2023 at the College House.
Mallika Niwasa Samithiya is a charitable institution established in the year 1920, having its Registered Office at 45 Visakha Road, Colombo 4. Mallika Niwasa Samithiya signed an MoU with the Faculty of Medicine, and the collaboration establishes a Physiotherapy Centre the Mallika Home, mainly focusing on geriatric rehabilitation and falls prevention under the guidance of the Department of Allied Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine. It also pursues possibilities of teaching and learning opportunities for the BSc. (Hons) Physiotherapy undergraduates and conduct research related to geriatric rehabilitation.
The Colombo Friend-in-Need Society is the oldest Charitable Organization in Sri Lanka a charitable institution established in the year 1831 under the Patronage of then Governor Sir Edward Barnes having its Registered Office at 171, Sir James Peiris Mawatha, Colombo 2. The Society signed an MoU with the University to establish a Physiotherapy Centre at CFINS relating to amputee rehabilitation, under the guidance of the Department of Allied Health Sciences. It also pursues possibilities of teaching and learning opportunities and conducting research related to physiotherapy and rehabilitation in post-amputee management.
Senior Professor (Chair) HD Karunaratne, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Ms Aruni Senewirathna, the President of Mallika Niwasa Samithiya, Mr AK Jayawardana, the President of Colombo Friends in Need Society, Professor Vidya Jothi Vajira HW Dissanayake, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and Dr DGSKL Jayawardana, Head of the Department of Allied Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine were present at the signing occasion.