Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland visited University of Colombo
Dr.Katri luukka, Director, Business Solutions MCreO of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland, visited Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, Vice-Chancellor of University of Colombo on 5th October 2016. Dr. Luukka was accompanied by Aija Ahokas, Senior Advisor of International Relations / Manager of Education Export, Professor Rohana Kurruppu, Chief Executive Officer, Brandix Clothing of Technology, and Mr. Yasmi Bari, Commercial Representative, Consulate General of Finland, Sri Lanka. During the meeting at University of Colombo, both parties discussed developing academic collaborations between the two Universities in avenues of Science and Technology, Management, and Education. Dr. R. Senathiraja, Dean, Faculty of Management, and Finance Professor J.A.S.K. Jayakody. Director, Institute of Human Resource Advancement, Mr. R.I. Senarathne Chairperson, Board of Studies for Professional Studies (BSPS), Faculty of Graduate Studies, and Dr.Kokila Konasinghe, Director of the International Unit accompanied the Vice-Chancellor at the meeting, representing University of Colombo.