Launch of ‘Thrimana Pro’ 3D Printer by RCS2 Technologies (Pvt) Ltd
RCS2 Technologies (PVT) Limited is the first company to introduce 3D printing to Sri Lanka and has since, made a significant venture in to 3D printing, offering series of Thrimana 3D Printers along with materials. Thrimana, Sri Lanka’s leading 3D printer brand is a product of RCS2 Technologies. RCS2 Technologies’ vision is to help the world see the future through 3D printing.
Going along with their vision of 3D printing advancement, the company joined hands with Colombo Science and Technology Cell (Cell) to develop the first ever 3D printer designed in Sri Lanka. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between RCS2 Technologies and the Cell on July 07, 2016.
The research team was headed by two academics from Department of Physics, University of Colombo, Dr. M.K. Jayananda and Dr. H.H.E. Jayaweera and was assisted by Mr. Udara Dissanayake. It is noteworthy to state that the initiative, hard work and the dedication of Mr. Dissanayake towards this project, immensely helped the team to complete the work on time. After carrying out intensive research over a period of one year, the research team in cooperation with RCS2 Technologies team was able to successfully launch the 3D printer “Thrimana Pro” on Tuesday, 09th January 2018.
Prof. Lakshman Dissanayake, Vice Chancellor of the University of Colombo, Mr. Indika De Zoysa, Senior Consultant at ICTA and other dignitaries from the Faculty of Science and RCS2 graced the occasion.
Colombo Science and Technology Cell (Cell) was established in 2013 with the funds from the Higher Education for the Twenty first Century (HETC), Quality Innovation Grant (QIG)-window 4, in order to support the researchers at the Faculty of Science to commercialize their research findings. The Cell is acting as a Tech Transfer Office at the Faculty of Science and already there are two products in the market arising from the research conducted at the faculty.