Lantern Festival Celebration 2022
The “Chinese traditional lantern festival” which is held annually by the Confucius Institute, University of Colombo dawned on 18th February 2022, with the participation of Professor Lasantha Manawadu, Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo (UoC) as the Chief Guest, and honored guests followingly, Professor Sumedha Jayaneththi, Dean – Faculty of Technology, (UoC), Dr. Rev. Labugama Narada, Principal Vidyarathana Vidyathana Pirivena, Horana. As the CIVID-19 epidemic in Sri Lanka wasn’t significantly subsided, limited number of students were allowed to participate onsite and other participants were joined via zoom.
Professor Wimal Hewamange Sri Lankan director, Confucius Institute, (UoC) welcomed the gathering with the brief explanation of the festival. As the chief guest Professor Manawadu addressed the gathering by explaining the importance of learning Chinese as well the other languages. He also stated about celebrating the cultural activities of other nations as well as the worthiness of the opportunities for Sri Lankan students.
Chinese lecturer Mrs. Chang Xiao Jin presented an interesting lecture on the Chinese traditional lantern festival. Subsequently, the event was followed by many fun games and activities. Students who joined via onsite and online were participated in these games with a great vivacity and then the winners and all the participants were gifted with valuable gifts and prizes. At the end of the celebration, all the participants enjoyed the Chinese traditional food “Tang Yuan” and Chinese refreshments with Chinese tea.