Specific objectives:
- Generate high quality population health data through a baseline survey that would provide background for the postgraduate degrees
- Design cohort studies for identified health issues
- Map the selected study areas using GIS technology and overlaying the prevalent diseases, health problems, behavior and interventions on the maps
- Capacity building of health professionals serving the local population on research methodology and utilization of research etc.
- Developing the infrastructure and resources of the ‘Centre for Population Health Research and Development’
Person in Charge : Dr. Upul Senerath
Lead Persons:
Prof. Saroj Jayasinghe
Prof. Senaka Rajapaksa
Prof. Wasantha Gunatunga
Dr. Sanath Senanayake
Sustainability Plans:
Promotion of Rural Health Projects: for undergraduate and postgraduate trainees that will attract funding to maintain the Rural Health Center and its activities.
Collaborative activities with Ministry of Health personnel, particularly those in that region, which will ensure sustenance of training, research and service functions.

Health team during a population health survey in Ampara