Digitalization of Tree Inventory
University of Colombo as a premier educational institute has already adopted Sustainable Development Goals. Following this, a comprehensive tree inventory has also been prepared for the university. The University started a digital form of tree inventory by using QR Code from 2nd January 2023 as part of the new year celebrations. Through scanning the QR code fixed in every tree or via find.cmb.ac.lk, more information such as the history, scientific name, carbon stock, age of the tree and the location can be accessed.
The system was made live by the Vice Chancellor, Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne accompanied by the Registrar Mr K. A. S. Edward. The Acting Curator, Mr W.N. Ananda coordinated the project and Mr Sachitha Dilshan developed the software application as a part of Big Project ‘Find UoC’ initiated by the Network Operating Centre (NOC). 56 QR codes were placed on trees at the College House and a total of 1038 trees will be placed with QR codes at the University. The original tree data were the findings of an undergraduate research project conducted by Miss Aruni Vinukthi under the supervision of Dr Jinendra Dissanayake. The tree audit and related activities are currently being continued with the involvement and support of the officials at the curator’s office, the Center for Environmental Initiatives, and the respective Campus/Faculty/Institute/School and Centres of the university.