BOOK LAUNCH – නූතනත්වය, පශ්චාත් නූතනත්වය සහ නව සමාජ විද්යාත්මක න්යාය
Prominent Indian Sociologist, Professor S.L. Doshi’s ‘Modernity, Post-modernity and Neo-sociological Theories’ has been edited and translated into Sinhala by Premakumara de Silva and Abeyratne Attanayake as ‘nuthanathwaya, paschath nuthnathwaya and nava samaja vidyatmaka niyaya’ (නූතනත්වය, පශ්චාත් නූතනත්වය සහ නව සමාජ විද්යාත්මක න්යාය). It was published by Fast Publishing (private) Limited – Colombo. The book contains 16 chapters within 652 pages including a Sinhala-English glossary. The launching of the book will be held under the patronage of Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, the Vice-Chancellor of University of Colombo on 27th March 2017 at A.B. Ariyapala Auditorium, Department of Sinhala. The event will be chaired by Emeritus Professor S.T. Hettige and commenting of the book will be delivered by Emeritus Professor Kalinga Tudor Silva, University of Peradeniya and Dr. Kumudu Kusum Kumara.