Annular Solar Eclipse 2019
For Sky watches around Sri Lanka December 26, 2019 was quite a unique day. Sri Lanka was right in the middle of the path of annuality of the last eclipse of the decade. During this eclipse, the moon passed in between the sun and the earth temporarily blocking its light. During this eclipse, since the moon was at apogee, instead of covering the whole disk of the sun, observes were left with “A ring of fire”. Northernmost parts of Sri Lanka got to observe the ring of fire during the peak whereas for all other areas it was visible as a partial solar eclipse covering more than 80% at its peak depending on the location. Several programs were carried out by the Astronomical Society of the University of Colombo along with FOS media to educate the public about this event on. Two public observational camps were conducted in the University of Colombo playground and also in the University of Jaffna. A live webcast was carried out from both locations.