Annual Research Symposium 2016 – Faculty of Management & Finance
The Faculty of Management and Finance held its sessions of the Annual Research Symposium 2016 on 18th October 2016 in the Faculty. It was held under the theme “Empowering Humanity – Challenges for Managers’. The chief guest of the occasion was the Vice Chancellor of the University of Colombo, Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake. The Key Note Speaker was Professor Amarakeerthi Liyanage, Professor in Sinhala, University of Peradeniya.
Following the inauguration ceremony, six papers were presented in two panels. The first panel was chaired by Dr. R. Senathiraja and Dr. N. N. J. Navaratne, where three papers were presented related to management. The second panel was chaired by Dr. P. D. Nimal and Dr. A. A. Azeez where three papers on finance were presented. The day was rewarding to those who presented and participated at the event.