Annual Research Symposium 2010

Annual Research Symposium 2010

Volume 3, Number 3, August-2010

May 12, 2010 was a special date in the calendar of the University of Colombo as the inauguration of the Annual Research Symposium took place on this date. The theme of the symposium was “Knowledge Economy and Higher Education”. Engaging with the symposium theme in his keynote address, HE Ashok K. Kantha, High Commissioner of India, stated that India is rapidly emerging as a “knowledge hub” for the global economy in areas such as ICT, life sciences, space technology, research & development, and design & innovation. HE Dr. Choi Ki-Chul, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, in his inaugural address said “Knowledge economy essentially recognizes knowledge itself as the driving force of productivity leading to new and enhanced technologies.” He illustrated the Korean Government’s commitment towards strengthening the R & D sectors in order to achieve new and enhanced technologies.

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