22nd Annual General Meeting of the Alumni Organization
The 22nd Annual General Meeting of the Alumni Organization of the University Of Colombo was held on the 15th December 2018 at New Arts Theatre of the University of Colombo.
The Alumni Organization was established in the year 1993 and completing its 22nd year and step up into 23rd successful year. A souvenir was issued to commemorate this remarkable event and our Chief Patron, Vice Chancellor of the University of Colombo Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake has inserted a message in this souvenir congratulating us with his best wishes. The Chief Guest of this AGM was Senior Professor lakshman Dissanayake the Vice Chancellor of the University of Colombo.
The AGM was attended by Senior Professor Premakumara De Silva and Past presidents of the Organization and other special invitees and members. The special invitees were given a warm welcome by offering Welcome garlands and bouquets on arrival and led to the New Arts Theatre in a procession comprising Kandyan Dancers etc.
As scheduled the lined up of events of the AGM commenced by lighting up of traditional Oil Lamps by the Chief Guest, Other Invitees, Past Presidents, and the existing key Office bearers and Special invitees etc. The Sri Lankan National Anthem was sung by the gathering and remained 2 minutes silence to remember late members of the Alumni Organization, and other deceased academic and non-academic staff members of the University Of Colombo and everybody who sacrificed their lives for the benefit and safeguard of the motherland.
The agenda of the AGM was followed by General Secretary’s announcement of the official inauguration of the 22nd Annual General Meeting. The Official Web Site of the Alumni Organization University Of Colombo was re-launched by the Vice-Chancellor followed by his valuable and updated speech that everybody applauded and appreciated. The Vice-Chancellor in his speech briefed out the Organization that the University Of Colombo consistently been ranked as the top Universities in Sri Lanka and gradually climbing higher in reputed International indices such as the Times Higher Education Ranking Index. He emphasized that this was due to Collective effort of Students, Academic Staff, Administrative Staff, and the Alumni. It was noted that infrastructure to promote learning and innovation was constantly being upgraded. Not only new buildings and facilities coming up the existing buildings and facilities have renovated and preserved.
100 undergraduates have been selected to obtain Scholarships at 10,000 rupees each for a year after a rigorous procedure. A few Scholarships were awarded as a token by the chief guest and other Invitees and members. Five Special awards were distributed on sponsorship of five Executive Committee Members for the best performance of the year selected from every five faculties. The most significant event of this meeting was to honor the Vice Chancellor by offering him “The Most Distinguished Alumni” award by the organization for his invaluable service and contribution to the University of Colombo and to his motherland Sri Lanka.
The President Mr. S.M.S. Jayawardana in his address described the principal initiatives undertaken by the organization in the past year. The welfare of the members and the students and the Scholarship programme to needy students and special awards etc. He emphasized the fact that organizing Social, Religious and environment-friendly programmes and activities satisfy and refresh their minds. He also updated members by briefing the activities done on behalf of the Organization and the credit goes to each and every member of this Organization eternally.
Senior Professor Premakumara De Silva was also expressed his views and pointed out the fact that all invitees gathered for the most valuable and important event of this meeting of giving away Scholarships to needy undergraduates and reminded the hardships of we had to face during our young age at the University. He updated the gathering of the present situation of the university and thanked the Alumni Organization in their endeavors.
As per the Agenda of the AGM, stepping down of key office Bearers and the existing Executive Committee Members were announced by the temporary president appointed to conduct the meeting and nominations for new Executive Committee Members for the year 2019 were called from the gathering of the Members. The General Secretary gave away the vote of thanks and invited everybody to gather at the Student Centre for the get-together and lunch. At the Student Centre, all participants were enjoyed by the music, sing along, dance and chit-chat. It was a venue for old folks to exchange their views and experience and where about after for long period.
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