A workshop organized by academic mentoring program, Faculty f Medicine
”Is there a leader in you? Essential leadership skills for tomorrow’s professionals”
Academic mentoring program (AMP) of Faculty of Medicine was established in year 2016. Fourth facilitation session titled ‘Is there a leader in you? Essential leadership skills for tomorrow’s professionals” and organized by AMP was held on 29th May 2017 for a group of approximately 60 young academics/researchers/clinicians from University of Colombo, Ministry of Health and other selected research/academic institutions. A lecture discussion was conducted by Prof. Ajantha Dharmasiri, Director, Post graduate institute of management of USJP. lecture was followed by a panel discussion. Panelists were Associate prof. Meththika Vithanage, senior research fellow at IFS Kandy (and TWAS-NSF young scientist award winner 2016), Dr. Shamitha Dassanayake, Consultant physician at Castle Street Hospital for Women, Colombo (and most innovative outstation physician 2013) and Dr. Dilantha Dharmagunewardana, Director/training at Education, Training and Research unit of Ministry of health (best medical superintendent 2010).