13th Sujata Jayawardena Memorial Oration
Chinese Ambassador delivers the 13th Sujata Jayawardena Memorial Oration on the topic : One Belt, One Road – Sri Lanka – China Relations.
Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China H.E. Yi Xianliang, delivered the 13th Annual Sujata Jayawardena Memorial Oration on Wednesday, 15th February 2017 at the BMICH on the topic “One Belt, One Road – Sri lanka – China Relations.”
The Ambassador was escorted by Ceremonial Procession to the Hall and joined the Vice Chancellor Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, President Alumni Association Mr. Rajeev Amarasuriya and Prof. Nayani Melagoda on the head table.
The inaugural address was by Mr. Rajeev Amarasuriya, President Alumni Association, which was followed by an address by the Vice Chancellor Senior Prof. Lakshman Dissanayake. Prof. Nayani Melagoda then introduced the Orator, who delivered a very pertinent and interesting Oration on the topic : One Belt, One Road – Sri Lanka – China Relations”.
Mr. Rajeev Amarasuriya then presented the Ambassador with the Sujata Jayawardena Memorial Plaque for having delivered the 13th Oration. The Vote of Thanks was by Ms. Ruwandhi Thanthrige, the Secretary of the Association. The Master of Ceremonies was Dr. Naazima Kamardeen.
The guests and invites thereafter joined for fellowship and refreshments in the foyer.