The aim of the HETC/University Development Grant(UDG) was to strengthen the economic and social relevance of university programmes. To achieve this, the UDG supported activities to

  • enhance ICT skills of students
  • improve English Language Skills of students
  • strengthen the soft skills of students
  • promote ethnic cohesion among students and staff

The implementing agency is the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE). The Policy Planning and Development Unit (PPDU) of the MoHE coordinated all project activities between the MoHE, UGC and the Universities. Further, the part-time UDG Coordinator, Dr. Sisira Pathirana coordinated the UDG sub-project. The aforementioned 4 activities was coordinated by the 4 university level coordinators.

An agreement was signed between the HETC project and the University of Colombo in September 2011 for Rs. 80 million to carry out the project activities. While the work was in progress, the University was successful to obtain additional funds to complete the project activities and UDG was completed in April 2015.

UDG Cordinator

Dr. Sisira Pathirana

Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine.

Dr. R. Hettiarachchi – UDG Coordinator, Sri Palee Campus

Activities to improve ICT skills


Activities to improve English skills


Activities to improve soft skills


Activities to improve ethnic cohesion


Procurement Details
